Trump’s Running His Campaign Like A Business (It’s Working)
October 30, 2024
The Presidential Election is in its final stretch! It’s very clear that Trump has been exuding confidence, while Kamala and her media pals just spew pure anti-Trump hysteria.
State Assembly Candidate Carl DeMaio from Reform California, discusses his run against a fellow Republican and his ideas for truly turning things around. Katie Grimes joins me to discuss the new proposed tax credit for Hollywood and how it shirks other industries. What about all the other industries that need help? Matt Gunderson, running for U.S. House District 49, talks about his race and the importance of his seat in the House of Representatives. I wrap up this plethora of Candidate Corner’s with Ian Weeks and his race for U.S. House District 25.
All these conversations boil down to this: Republicans, especially in California, should not act like Democrats to get elected.