California’s Super Tuesday Results, or Lack Thereof
March 13, 2024
Steve recaps the lies, distortions, and cliches on today’s show from Joe Biden and his State of the Union address. Joe Biden has shown his true colors time and time again, which is nothing but mediocre pandering to the power structures in his party, and right now that is the far-left. Next, I discuss the TikTok “ban” and what the legislation calls for, which is keeping our data and children away from our enemies’ hands. Next, Susan Shelley joins me to discuss California’s Super Tuesday results and exactly why Gavin Newsom’s Proposition 1 did not go as planned by the Democrats. Lastly, California District 47 Congressional candidate Scott Baugh joins me to discuss his election results and his plan for his primary campaign. This is not an episode you want to miss!